gods in the city; there are none. i can promise you that. there is no belief. i purged it. this city was an empty shell, and i filled it with logic and rational thought. relief. you may think that there is something you believe in, but your belief does not make it exist. existence is a tangible, physical thing. existence is sentience and knowledge... and also pain and fear. but also joy and lust; physical pleasure. none of these things are gods. they are just you and me, and all the other living creatures in the universe. gods are something your ancestors made up.
there are no gods in the city
there are no gods in the farms
it wasn’t destiny or synchronicity
when you wound up in my arms
there are no gods in the city
when the lights go out
i can still feel you sitting next to me
when you’re slipping out
a lot of time i spent in self pity
three decades in this quiet town
with the asphalt black and dirty
and the river where god was drowned
ten years ago under these streets
the steel girders wouldn’t support the weight of our lust
there are no gods in the rivers at our feet
and the city will eventually turn to dust
people will say it wasn’t always this way
there was a time when the towers weren’t so tall
people will complain that everything’s changing
people will complain about nothing at all
there are no gods in the city
there are no gods in the farms
it wasn’t destiny or synchronicity
when you wound up in my arms
there are no gods in the city
when the lights finally fade
i can still feel you sitting next to me
when you’re slipping
when you’re slipping away...
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